Weekly Update 3/11/2021

Today's weekly update post is live now!

Weekly Update 3/11/2021

Today's weekly update post is live now!
Fault News


Hello again everyone, and welcome to this weeks weekly update blog post!

We continue to make great progress with the next patch, we are currently in the testing phase and we are aiming for a March release. However, anything can happen during testing and the patch may be pushed to next month. We deeply appreciate our communites patience as they wait for the next big update to hit Fault, we are working hard every day to ensure it is worth the wait.

Now, this would not be a weekly update without showing off what we are working on, and that means more sneak peeks at whats coming with patch 0.13.0.

Ping System

Our new ping system has been designed to be much easier to control during the heat of battle, and many new animations have been added to ensure your team hears you loud and clear.

End Game Screen

We would like to show you one of the many new screens coming with the H.U.D; our new end game screen.

This screen will pop up after the match has ended, providing everyone's stats for the match along with an area to add new friends or report players if necessary.

Input Buffering

Our input buffering system has added an entirely new level of responsiveness. Since subsequent abilities and commands can be queued to automatically occur, it allows players to chain abilities together at a faster rate.

In this example we captured in-game, you can see that Gideon can cast his entire kit in the blink of an eye, if you look closely you can see his Void Breach (RMB), Cosmic Rift (Q), and Torn Space (E) all reach the target at the same moment before his ult takes place.

Ubisoft Finals

We are very excited for the Ubisoft Indie Series finals, regardless of the outcome. The event goes live later today at 4pm EST on La Guilde's Twitch.
This event has been a great expierence for us so far, meeting and talking with other indie developers has been a ton of fun and we wish everyone the best in todays event.

If you missed the pre-interview that was held with our Community Manager on their channel, you can watch the entire show here.

New Skin

Last week we had the community vote on a skin concept for an upcoming "Tough Riktor" skin. Today, we would like to show you the result of a skin poll you voted on in the past.

Introducing, Vacation Sevarog!

This is the second in-production skin we have teased since the start of our weekly updates, and we plan to hold more polls in the near future to give everyone a chance to let us know what they like.


We can't wait to reach the release state of our game and we plan to make the release worthy of your amazing support.

We have taken in a ton of feedback and suggestions from you all over the past few months and we hope that patch 0.13.0 addresses a lot of your submissions since EA launch. We still have more awesome stuff coming up to show you all, see you next week Fault fam!

— Strange Matter Team
March 11, 2021

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Multi-player. 3D Moba & Community Driven.

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At Strange Matter Studios, we are invested in rebuilding and improving upon the 3D action MOBA genre.

Fault uses Unreal Engine. Unreal is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. Unreal Engine, Copyright 1998 – 2022
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