Warlock's damage ability was seen as having multiple issues with the team, the damage was not consistent enough to balance well, and lacked visual feedback for the enemies. While trying to tie our blue aspects into a common theme of utility and resource restoration, we have decided to change Warlock's bonus damage into a passive that grants mana regeneration on leveling and takedowns.
Feng Mao has been performing pretty well thanks to his more bruiser like stats. In order to bring him more in line with his Diver class, we have adjusted his health, resistances and move speed slightly, while also lowering his damage on his ultimate.
After receiving a lot of community feedback on Belica’s passive feeling un-impactful, we have decided to try changing her passive to focus around dealing damage to enemies on low mana. Although we don’t believe we will be changing Belica’s Command Drone (E) to drain mana overtime in the future, we will be looking into how to tie this ability together with this new passive in the coming patches.
Phase has been suffering with various issues that made her kit unhealthy and unfun for others to play against, as well as having scalings based on her passive making it hard to understand how much damage you might be dealing to a target at a given time.
To try to fix some of these issues that the team saw with her current implementation, we have decided to alter how 3 of her 4 abilities currently work, removing damage scalings based on her passive, removing debuffs given to an enemy linked unit when ulting, and changing her slow to give increased regeneration stacks instead of slowing the target for a longer duration.
To make up for the debuffs and some of the buffs removed from the ultimate, we have now changed the Movement Speed buff to grant the effects in an area instead of just to her and her linked ally.
At Strange Matter Studios, we are invested in rebuilding and improving upon the 3D action MOBA genre.